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Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Birthday Wish

So, how did I get the idea to pray daily for a year? Well, for Kristine's birthday a year or two ago (memory is the first thing to go!) I got a brilliant idea. I needed a gift for my loving bride...so I thought, hey! I'll offer her what the candle extinguishing thing is all about. I'd grant her a wish. Any wish that was within my ability to bestow. I thought long and hard about the level of risk this entailed. What if she asked for a million dollars? A new house? A new car? Then of course, my bride - who most people underestimate, thought of something a little harder to deliver. She asked me to pray daily for a year...the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

I'll admit, I took the easier of the two. But, I also added to the Chaplet, praying for a myriad of people...so that I do more than 5 decades. Currently I'm up to 12. So, not only did I deliver on my gift, but I feel I am becoming a better person. Of course, my wife knew what she was doing! She's sneaky like that!

I've been fascinated with the concept of "praying constantly" which Paul (the Saintly one) put forth...and am still wondering how to do that. Hmmm. Sounds like another Goal! I'll have to add that to my list. So, her birthday wish has helped me in more ways than one. And for that I thank her. I owe her many thanks, for many things. Not the least of which is her companionship and love, our children, and our home. I've learned (from the experience) that the best way to deal with people who I am angry at or dislike, is to pray for them. Earnestly to pray for them. It totally changes my outlook. So, I don't think I'll stop my daily chaplet any time soon...hopefully I'll do it until I can't any longer. So, the goal on my list is real, but one I "know" I can accomplish. I've already done it once...

This is not a cop-out, goals are, in my opinion designed for making us better. They should be things we want to achieve. Some are stretch goals and therefore require sacrifice to accomplish. Others just require dedication or discipline. We shouldn't judge goals on their level of difficulty but on the value of the return if they are achieved. Oh, and to ensure we don't "cheat" or cop-out, goals should not be things that are accomplished as a normal consequence of living. I believe all of the goals I have on my list to-date fit the criteria offered. So, within the post about each goal's attainment, as they happen, I will include what I believe the benefits / results are.

Comments, as always, are welcome.


  1. I like where you're going with this and I can already tell that this blog is going to be a good place for me to steal ideas from (luckily you haven't copyrighted them!). I'm probably going to steal a few of your goals to round out my "101 things to do before I die" list (I think I'm at 98 or so, but I already decided I don't mind going over). I'm also going to steal your grant a wish idea if I ever get married (and if I have the guts).

  2. Jeff,
    why wait until you're married? Offer the wish to someone you love, someone you want to make happy. Someone special. Even a mom, dad, or just a good friend who gives you good ideas :-)
